Unlock the Potential of Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779: A Comprehensive Guide

The Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779 is a powerful tool that holds immense value for woodworking projects. Whether you’re a professional carpenter or a DIY enthusiast, this miter saw can greatly enhance the precision and efficiency of your cutting tasks. Understanding how to unlock and utilize the full potential of the Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779 is crucial for achieving outstanding results in your woodworking endeavors.

With its robust features and advanced capabilities, the Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779 stands as a reliable partner in creating precise cuts, bevels, and miters. By harnessing the power of this tool, you can transform ordinary pieces of wood into beautifully crafted works of art. However, to fully benefit from this tool, it is essential to grasp its functionalities and master the techniques necessary for unlocking its full potential.

In the following sections, we will delve into the various aspects of the Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779. From safety precautions and setup to the utilization of its key features, we will guide you through the process of harnessing the true power of this exceptional woodworking tool. So, let’s dive in and explore the world of the Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779, where precision and craftsmanship unite.

Understanding the Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779

How To Unlock Dewalt Miter Saw Dws779

The Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779 is a top-of-the-line woodworking tool equipped with features and specifications that make it highly sought after by professionals and woodworking enthusiasts alike. By understanding its key features and specifications, you can fully comprehend its capabilities and leverage them for your woodworking projects.

Key Features and Specifications:

  • Power and Precision: The Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779 boasts a powerful 15-amp motor that delivers ample cutting power for a wide range of materials. It allows for precise and accurate cuts, ensuring clean and professional-looking results.
  • Cutting Capacity: With a 12-inch blade and a generous cutting capacity, the DWS779 can handle a variety of workpiece sizes. It provides a vertical cutting capacity of 6.75 inches and a nested crown capacity of 7.5 inches, enabling you to tackle larger projects with ease.
  • Bevel and Miter Adjustments: The miter saw offers a bevel range of 0 to 48 degrees to the left and right, allowing you to make bevel cuts for angled edges. Additionally, it provides a miter range of 0 to 60 degrees to the left and 0 to 50 degrees to the right, granting you the flexibility to create precise miter cuts for corner joints.
  • Sliding Feature: The Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779 incorporates a sliding feature that enables you to extend the cutting capacity even further. The sliding mechanism allows the blade to move forward and backward, accommodating larger workpieces with ease.

Benefits of Using the Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779:

  • Enhanced Efficiency: The powerful motor and precise cutting capabilities of the DWS779 enable you to complete woodworking tasks quickly and efficiently. Whether you’re cutting through lumber, trim, or molding, this miter saw can save you valuable time and effort.
  • Versatility: The bevel and miter adjustments of the DWS779 provide you with a wide range of cutting options. You can easily create beveled edges and make angled cuts for various woodworking projects, including framing, crown molding, and furniture making.
  • Accuracy and Precision: The DWS779 is designed to deliver accurate and precise cuts consistently. Its robust construction and advanced features ensure that your cuts are clean, allowing for seamless joinery and a professional finish.
  • Durability and Reliability: Dewalt is renowned for manufacturing high-quality tools, and the DWS779 is no exception. Built with durability in mind, this miter saw is designed to withstand the demands of heavy use and provide reliable performance for years to come.

By understanding the key features and benefits of the Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779, you can make informed decisions when it comes to selecting the right tool for your woodworking projects. With its power, precision, and versatility, this miter saw proves to be an indispensable companion in your woodworking journey.

Safety Precautions and Setup

How To Unlock Dewalt Miter Saw Dws779

Safety should always be the top priority when working with power tools like the Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779. By following proper safety precautions and setting up the miter saw correctly, you can minimize the risk of accidents and ensure a safe working environment. Here’s a detailed guide on setting up the Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779 and the necessary safety measures to keep in mind:

Emphasizing the Importance of Safety:

  • Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as safety glasses, hearing protection, and dust masks to safeguard yourself from potential hazards.
  • Ensure that the work area is well-lit and free from clutter, providing ample space for maneuvering the miter saw.
  • Familiarize yourself with the user manual of the DWS779 and adhere to all safety guidelines provided by the manufacturer.

Setting up the Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779:

Adjusting the Blade Guard and Position:

  • Before starting any adjustments, ensure that the miter saw is unplugged and the power switch is in the off position.
  • Position the blade guard in a way that it covers the blade completely, retracting only when making a cut.
  • Verify that the blade guard moves smoothly and doesn’t interfere with the cutting operation.

Checking and Adjusting the Miter Angle and Bevel:

  • Use a square or angle gauge to check the accuracy of the miter angle and bevel stops.
  • If adjustments are needed, refer to the user manual for specific instructions on calibrating the miter angle and bevel stops.
  • Make sure to tighten the bevel and miter locks securely after adjustments to maintain stability during operation.

Securing the Workpiece and Using Clamps:

  • Place the workpiece firmly against the fence and ensure it is properly aligned for accurate cuts.
  • For additional stability, use clamps to secure the workpiece to the miter saw table.
  • Avoid placing your hands too close to the blade, and always maintain a safe distance from the cutting area.

Remember, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the specific safety guidelines and setup instructions provided by Dewalt in the user manual for the DWS779. Taking the time to set up the miter saw correctly and following safety precautions diligently will help create a safe and controlled woodworking environment.

Unlocking the Bevel and Miter Adjustments

How To Unlock Dewalt Miter Saw Dws779

The Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779 offers bevel and miter adjustments that allow you to create a variety of cuts with precision and accuracy. Understanding how to adjust the bevel angle and miter angle on your miter saw is essential for unlocking its full cutting potential. Here’s a step-by-step guide on adjusting the bevel and miter angles, along with the benefits of utilizing these adjustments:

Adjusting the Bevel Angle:

  1. Ensure that the miter saw is turned off and unplugged for safety.
  2. Locate the bevel adjustment knob or lever on your DWS779, typically located at the back or side of the saw.
  3. Loosen the bevel adjustment knob or release the lever, allowing the blade to be tilted.
  4. Identify the desired bevel angle by referring to your project requirements or using a protractor.
  5. Gradually tilt the blade to the desired bevel angle, ensuring that the angle indicator aligns with your intended setting.
  6. Once the desired bevel angle is achieved, tighten the bevel adjustment knob or secure the lever to lock the blade in place.
  7. Double-check the bevel angle using a square or angle gauge to ensure accuracy.

Adjusting the Miter Angle:

  1. Turn off and unplug the miter saw before making any adjustments.
  2. Locate the miter adjustment knob or lever on your DWS779, usually situated near the base of the saw.
  3. Loosen the miter adjustment knob or release the lever to unlock the miter table.
  4. Determine the desired miter angle for your cut, referring to project specifications or using a protractor.
  5. Gradually rotate the miter table to align the desired miter angle with the corresponding angle indicator.
  6. Ensure that the miter angle is securely locked by tightening the miter adjustment knob or securing the lever.
  7. Verify the accuracy of the miter angle using a square or angle gauge, adjusting if necessary.

Benefits of Bevel and Miter Adjustments:

  • Cutting Versatility: By adjusting the bevel and miter angles, you can create a wide range of cuts, including beveled edges, angled cuts, and precise corner joints. This versatility expands your woodworking possibilities and allows you to tackle various projects with ease.
  • Precision and Accuracy: The bevel and miter adjustments on the DWS779 enable you to make precise and accurate cuts. You can achieve seamless joinery and perfect fitting angles, resulting in professional-looking workpieces.
  • Customizable Designs: With the ability to adjust bevel and miter angles, you can create unique designs and add intricate details to your woodworking projects. This flexibility allows for creativity and customization, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of your work.
  • Time and Effort Savings: The quick and easy adjustments of the bevel and miter angles save you time and effort when switching between different types of cuts. You can swiftly transition from one angle to another, increasing productivity and efficiency in your woodworking tasks.

By mastering the bevel and miter adjustments on your Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779, you unlock a world of cutting possibilities. Whether you need beveled edges, angled cuts, or precise corner joints, understanding and utilizing these adjustments will elevate your woodworking skills and broaden your creative horizons.

Using the Depth Stop and Cutting Capacity

How To Unlock Dewalt Miter Saw Dws779

The Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779 incorporates a depth stop feature that allows you to control the cutting depth with precision. Understanding the function of the depth stop, as well as the cutting capacity of the miter saw, will help you optimize your cutting efficiency and accuracy. Here’s a closer look at the depth stop, cutting capacity, and tips for achieving the best results:

Function of the Depth Stop: The depth stop on the DWS779 is designed to control the cutting depth of the blade. By setting the depth stop, you can ensure consistent cuts to a specific depth, which is particularly useful when making repetitive cuts or when you want to avoid cutting through the workpiece entirely. The depth stop helps maintain accuracy and allows for uniformity in your woodworking projects.

Cutting Capacity and Limitations: The Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779 offers a generous cutting capacity, enabling you to tackle various workpiece sizes and types. The cutting capacity of the DWS779 is as follows:

  • Vertical Cutting Capacity: The DWS779 has a vertical cutting capacity of 6.75 inches. This means it can cut through materials that have a height of up to 6.75 inches when the blade is lowered in the vertical position.
  • Nested Crown Capacity: The DWS779 has a nested crown capacity of 7.5 inches. This refers to the maximum size of crown molding that can be cut when placed against the fence at an angle.

It’s important to note that the cutting capacity of the DWS779 has its limitations. When working with larger workpieces, you may need to make multiple passes or employ additional techniques to achieve the desired cuts. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and exercise caution when working at the maximum cutting capacity of the miter saw.

Tips for Optimizing Cutting Efficiency and Accuracy:

  • Measure and Mark: Take accurate measurements and mark your workpiece before making cuts. This ensures precision and helps you align the material properly on the miter saw.
  • Use Test Cuts: Before making the final cuts on your workpiece, it’s advisable to make test cuts on scrap material. This allows you to fine-tune the settings, such as the bevel angle and miter angle, and ensure the desired cutting depth before committing to the actual workpiece.
  • Secure the Workpiece: To minimize the risk of movement during the cutting process, secure the workpiece firmly against the fence using clamps. This provides stability and reduces the chance of inaccurate cuts.
  • Take your Time: Avoid rushing through cuts and maintain a steady pace. Slow, controlled movements allow for greater accuracy and reduce the chances of mistakes or accidents.
  • Regularly Check and Maintain Blade Sharpness: A sharp blade is essential for clean and precise cuts. Regularly inspect the blade on your DWS779 and replace or sharpen it as needed. A dull blade can result in splintering or uneven cuts.

By understanding the function of the depth stop, being aware of the cutting capacity and its limitations, and implementing the tips provided, you can optimize your cutting efficiency and achieve accurate results with your Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779.

Mastering Crosscuts and Miters

How To Unlock Dewalt Miter Saw Dws779

The Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779 is a versatile tool that allows for precise crosscuts and miters. Mastering these techniques will enable you to achieve clean and precise cuts for various woodworking projects. Here’s an explanation of the techniques involved in making crosscuts and miters using the DWS779, along with tips for achieving optimal results:

Making Crosscuts: Crosscuts involve cutting a workpiece perpendicular to its length. Follow these steps to make accurate crosscuts with the DWS779:

  1. Measure and Mark: Measure and mark the desired length of the crosscut on the workpiece using a measuring tape and pencil.
  2. Align the Workpiece: Place the workpiece against the fence of the miter saw, ensuring it is positioned securely and aligned with the marked cutting line.
  3. Activate the Saw: Turn on the miter saw and allow the blade to reach full speed before making the cut.
  4. Lower the Blade: Slowly lower the blade of the DWS779 onto the workpiece, aligning it with the marked cutting line. Maintain a steady and controlled downward motion.
  5. Complete the Cut: Push the workpiece forward, allowing the blade to cut through the material. Maintain consistent pressure and avoid rushing the cut.

Creating Miters: Miters involve cutting workpieces at an angle to create clean corner joints. The DWS779 allows for both single and double miters. Here’s the process for creating miters using this miter saw:

Single Miter:

  1. Measure and Mark: Determine the desired angle for the single miter joint. Measure and mark the angle on the workpiece.
  2. Adjust the Miter Angle: Unlock the miter adjustment on the DWS779 and set it to the desired angle. Ensure the angle indicator aligns accurately with the marked angle.
  3. Secure the Workpiece: Place the workpiece against the fence, aligning it with the marked angle. Use clamps if necessary to secure the workpiece in place.
  4. Lower the Blade: Activate the miter saw and slowly lower the blade onto the workpiece, aligning it with the marked angle.
  5. Make the Cut: Push the workpiece forward, allowing the blade to cut through the material. Maintain a steady and controlled motion throughout the cut.

Double Miter:

  1. Measure and Mark: Determine the desired angle for the double miter joint. Measure and mark the angles on the workpiece accordingly.
  2. Adjust the Miter and Bevel Angles: Unlock both the miter and bevel adjustments on the DWS779. Set the miter angle to half of the desired angle. For example, if you want a 45-degree double miter, set the miter angle to 22.5 degrees. Adjust the bevel angle to 45 degrees.
  3. Secure the Workpiece: Place the workpiece against the fence, aligning it with the marked angles. Use clamps if needed to secure the workpiece in position.
  4. Lower the Blade: Activate the miter saw and slowly lower the blade onto the workpiece, aligning it with the marked angles.
  5. Make the Cut: Push the workpiece forward, allowing the blade to cut through the material. Maintain a steady and controlled motion throughout the cut.

Tips for Achieving Clean and Precise Crosscuts and Miters:

  • Use a High-Quality Blade: Ensure that the blade on your DWS779 is sharp and suitable for the material you are cutting. A high-quality blade helps achieve cleaner cuts with minimal tear-out.
  • Secure the Workpiece: Always secure the workpiece firmly against the fence using clamps. This provides stability and reduces the chance of inaccurate cuts or movement during the cutting process.
  • Practice Proper Technique: Maintain a steady and controlled motion throughout the cutting process. Avoid rushing the cut and maintain consistent pressure to achieve clean and precise results.
  • Make Test Cuts: Before making the final cuts on your workpiece, it’s advisable to make test cuts on scrap material. This allows you to ensure the accuracy of your setup and make any necessary adjustments before cutting the actual workpiece.

By understanding the techniques involved in making crosscuts and miters using the Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779, and implementing the tips provided, you can achieve clean, precise, and professional-looking cuts for your woodworking projects. Practice, patience, and attention to detail will further refine your skills and yield outstanding results.

Utilizing the Slide Feature for Increased Capacity

How To Unlock Dewalt Miter Saw Dws779

The Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779 is equipped with a sliding feature that enhances its cutting capacity and allows for increased versatility. Understanding the sliding feature and knowing how to use it effectively and safely can greatly expand your capabilities when working with larger workpieces. Here’s a closer look at the sliding feature of the DWS779, its benefits, and instructions for utilizing it:

Highlighting the Sliding Feature: The sliding feature of the DWS779 allows the blade to move forward and backward along a sliding rail. This design significantly increases the cutting capacity of the miter saw. Unlike non-sliding miter saws, the DWS779 can accommodate larger workpieces by extending the reach of the blade.

Benefits of the Sliding Feature:

  1. Increased Cutting Capacity: The sliding feature enables the DWS779 to handle larger workpieces that exceed the cutting capacity of a standard miter saw. By extending the range of the blade, you can make longer and wider cuts with ease.
  2. Versatile Applications: The increased cutting capacity provided by the sliding feature opens up a wide range of woodworking possibilities. Whether you’re working on larger furniture pieces, trim installation, or crown molding, the sliding feature allows you to tackle projects that require cutting wider and longer stock.
  3. Convenience and Efficiency: The sliding feature eliminates the need for flipping or repositioning the workpiece to make multiple cuts. It streamlines the cutting process by enabling you to make continuous, uninterrupted cuts, saving time and effort.

Using the Slide Feature Effectively and Safely:

  1. Familiarize Yourself with the Slide Mechanism: Before using the sliding feature, carefully read the user manual provided by Dewalt. Understand how the slide mechanism works and become familiar with the specific controls and adjustments for the DWS779.
  2. Position the Workpiece: Place the workpiece on the miter saw table, ensuring it is properly aligned and secure. Take into account the extended reach of the blade when calculating your cuts.
  3. Activate the Slide Feature: Unlock the slide mechanism of the DWS779 according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Typically, this involves releasing a lock or lever that allows the blade to slide along the rail.
  4. Make Controlled Slide Cuts: Push the blade forward to engage the slide feature and move it along the rail smoothly. Maintain a controlled and steady motion to achieve clean and accurate cuts.
  5. Ensure Proper Support: When using the slide feature with larger workpieces, ensure that you have sufficient support for the material throughout the entire cut. Consider using auxiliary supports or stands to prevent any sagging or instability.
  6. Maintain Safety Precautions: Even when using the slide feature, adhere to all safety guidelines and precautions provided by the manufacturer. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and follow safe operating practices to minimize the risk of accidents.

By utilizing the slide feature effectively and safely, you can take full advantage of the increased cutting capacity offered by the Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779. With careful positioning, controlled cuts, and proper support, you can tackle larger woodworking projects with ease and precision.

Maintenance and Care

Regular maintenance is crucial for ensuring the optimal performance and longevity of your Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779. By following a routine maintenance schedule and implementing proper care, you can keep your miter saw in excellent condition and minimize the risk of malfunctions. Here’s an overview of the importance of regular maintenance and a checklist of routine maintenance tasks:

Importance of Regular Maintenance:

  1. Safety: Regular maintenance helps identify and address any potential safety issues or hazards associated with the miter saw. By keeping the tool in good working condition, you reduce the risk of accidents and injuries during operation.
  2. Performance: Proper maintenance ensures that the DWS779 continues to operate at its peak performance. It helps maintain cutting accuracy, motor efficiency, and overall functionality, allowing you to achieve clean and precise cuts consistently.
  3. Durability and Longevity: Regular maintenance prolongs the lifespan of the miter saw by preventing premature wear and tear. It helps preserve the components, protect against rust or corrosion, and ensures the tool remains reliable and functional over time.

Checklist for Routine Maintenance Tasks:

Cleaning the Saw and Removing Debris:

  • After each use, remove any sawdust, chips, or debris from the miter saw using a brush or compressed air. Pay attention to the blade guard, cutting area, and dust collection system.
  • Wipe down the surfaces of the miter saw with a clean cloth to remove any residue or build-up that may affect the tool’s performance.

Lubricating Moving Parts:

  • Regularly lubricate the moving parts of the DWS779, such as the pivot points, slide mechanism, and bevel adjustment mechanism. Use a high-quality lubricant recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Apply lubricant sparingly and wipe off any excess to prevent accumulation of dust and debris.

Checking for Alignment and Calibration:

  • Periodically check the alignment and calibration of the miter saw to ensure accurate cuts. Refer to the user manual for specific instructions on checking and adjusting the alignment of the blade, miter angle, and bevel angle.
  • Verify that the bevel and miter angle indicators align correctly with the desired settings and make any necessary adjustments.

Inspecting the Blade:

  • Regularly inspect the condition of the blade for any signs of damage, dullness, or excessive wear. Replace the blade if necessary, following the manufacturer’s recommendations for compatible blades.
  • Ensure the blade is securely tightened and properly aligned before each use.

Checking the Power Cord and Electrical Connections:

  • Inspect the power cord for any fraying, damage, or loose connections. If any issues are detected, have the cord replaced or repaired by a qualified professional.
  • Verify that all electrical connections are secure and free from dirt or debris.

Remember to always consult the user manual provided by Dewalt for specific maintenance instructions and recommended intervals for each task. By adhering to a regular maintenance routine and taking proper care of your Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779, you can ensure its optimal performance, extend its lifespan, and enjoy consistent and accurate cutting results.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

How To Unlock Dewalt Miter Saw Dws779

While the Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779 is a reliable and high-quality tool, users may occasionally encounter common issues. Understanding how to troubleshoot these problems can help you quickly resolve them and get back to using your miter saw effectively. Here are some common problems users might face with the DWS779 along with troubleshooting tips:

Blade Wobbling:

  • Ensure the blade is securely tightened onto the arbor shaft. Use the blade wrench provided to tighten it properly.
  • Check for any damage or warping on the blade. Replace the blade if it is bent or damaged.
  • Inspect the arbor shaft for any debris or buildup. Clean the arbor shaft and blade mounting area to ensure a secure fit.

Inaccurate Cuts:

  • Check the alignment of the blade and ensure it is perpendicular to the miter saw table. Refer to the user manual for instructions on adjusting the blade alignment if needed.
  • Verify the accuracy of the miter angle and bevel angle indicators. If they are not aligning correctly, adjust the angles accordingly.
  • Ensure that the workpiece is firmly secured against the fence and properly aligned with the cutting line.

Motor Overheating:

  • Allow the motor to cool down if it becomes overheated. Avoid using the miter saw continuously for long periods without breaks.
  • Ensure that the ventilation slots on the miter saw are clear and not blocked by debris or obstructions.
  • Check the power source to ensure it is supplying adequate voltage to the tool.

Dust Collection Issues:

  • Clean the dust collection system and ensure that the dust bag or dust extraction system is properly connected and functioning.
  • Use a vacuum or dust extractor for more effective dust collection, especially when working with larger workpieces or making repetitive cuts.

When to Seek Professional Assistance: While many common issues can be resolved with troubleshooting, there may be complex problems that require professional assistance. Seek professional help in the following situations:

  • If you are unsure about performing any repairs or adjustments yourself.
  • If the problem persists even after attempting the recommended troubleshooting steps.
  • If there is visible damage to the internal components of the miter saw.
  • If the miter saw requires electrical repairs or parts replacement.

It is important to prioritize safety and consult a qualified professional for any repairs or issues that are beyond your expertise. They will have the necessary knowledge and tools to diagnose and resolve complex problems with your Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779.


In conclusion, the Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779 is a powerful tool that holds immense value for woodworking projects. We discussed various aspects of this miter saw, from understanding its key features and benefits to mastering techniques such as crosscuts and miters. By following the instructions and safety precautions provided, you can unlock the full potential of the DWS779 and enhance your woodworking skills.

We highlighted the importance of safety when using power tools, emphasizing the need to prioritize personal protective equipment (PPE) and maintaining a safe work environment. Additionally, we provided a detailed guide on setting up the DWS779, including adjusting the blade guard, miter angle, bevel angle, and securing the workpiece.

Understanding the bevel and miter adjustments allows for a broader range of cutting options, enhancing the versatility and precision of your projects. We also explored utilizing the slide feature to handle larger workpieces effectively, providing instructions on using it safely and maximizing its benefits.

Regular maintenance and care are vital to ensure optimal performance and longevity of the DWS779. We discussed the importance of cleaning the saw, lubricating moving parts, checking alignment and calibration, and inspecting the blade and power cord regularly.

Lastly, we addressed common troubleshooting issues such as blade wobbling, inaccurate cuts, motor overheating, and dust collection. We offered tips to resolve these issues and provided guidance on when to seek professional assistance for complex problems.

We encourage you to unlock the full potential of your Dewalt Miter Saw DWS779 by following the outlined instructions and safety precautions. By understanding its features, utilizing the various adjustments, and maintaining the miter saw properly, you can achieve clean, precise, and professional results in your woodworking projects. Remember to prioritize safety and consult professionals when needed. Embrace the possibilities that the DWS779 offers and enjoy your woodworking journey with confidence and creativity.

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